Finding the right Automobile Insurance Coverage for your needs can be a confusing topic. Which coverage options do you need? Are you paying too much for your insurance? Are you well protected against liability lawsuits? At Foley Insurance Group we take pride in helping our customers understand exactly what they’re buying.
To help you get a better understanding of the Massachusetts Auto Policy we’ve provided an explanation of each section below. The first four sections are mandatory while the other eight are optional coverages.
1. Bodily injury to others
Bodily Injury to Others protects you against legal liability for the accidental injury or death of others caused by the operation of your car, but only if the accident occurs in Massachusetts. Injuries to the driver or passengers in your car are not covered under this Part.
2. Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pays up to $8,000 for medical expenses, replacement services and 75% of any lost wages. PIP will pay these expenses to you or anyone you let drive your car, anyone living in your household, passengers and pedestrians, no matter who causes the accident. Your PIP coverage pays for medical expenses in excess of $2,000 that are not reimbursed by your health insurance only after these expenses have been submitted to your health insurer to determine what it will and will not pay.
3. Bodily Injury Caused By An Uninsured Auto
Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto protects you, anyone you let drive your car, household members and passengers (unless covered by another Massachusetts policy with similar coverage) against losses caused by an uninsured or unidentified (“hit and run”) driver. This coverage does not pay for property damage or damage to your auto.
4. Damage To Someone Else’s Property
This coverage pays for damage to another person’s property when you, a household member or another authorized driver cause an accident. A minimum limit of $5,000 is required.
Optional Coverages
5. Optional Bodily Injury to Others
Optional Bodily Injury to Others extends your liability protection under Part 1 above the mandatory limits required by the Commonwealth. This option provides coverage for accidents beyond Massachusetts to anywhere in the United States, it territories or possessions, or Canada. It also provides coverage for bodily injuries suffered by guests in your auto.
6. Medical Payments
Optional medical payments coverage pays for medical expenses for you, your household members and passengers, over and above amounts covered by Personal Injury Protection (PIP) no matter who caused the accident.
7. Collision
Collision coverage pays for damage to your car (deductible may apply). Personal property is not covered unless it is permanently installed in your car. If your car is financed, your lender may require collision coverage.
8. Limited Collision
Limited collision coverage pays for collision damage to your car if you are no more than 50% at-fault for the accident AND the owner of the other vehicle is identifiable.
9. Comprehensive
Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to or loss of your car, less any deductible, resulting from events such as fire, theft, vandalism, and striking an animal, but not collision. Personal property such as a stereo is not covered unless it is permanently installed in your car. Glass breakage is fully covered and deductible free with repair provided by A&R Auto Glass or Affordable Auto Glass. If your car is financed, your lender may require this coverage.
10. Substitute Transportation
This coverage reimburses up to the limit purchased for car rental or transportation costs including taxi, bus, and train fare while your car is undergoing collision or covered repairs.
11. Towing and Labor
Towing and Labor coverage pays up to the limit purchased for towing and labor charges each time your car breaks down whether or not there is an accident involved. You are covered only for the on-site labor costs at the breakdown site needed to get your car running again. Parts are not covered.
12. Bodily Injury Caused By An Underinsured Auto
This optional coverage pays if you are injured by a motorist with liability limits less than the amount of the damages you are entitled to recover. The other motorist’s policy pays its limits first and then yours pays any remaining losses up to the amount purchased. This coverage will not pay for damage to property.
If you have any specific questions regarding auto insurance options and different types of coverage’s we offer or to request a free quote please call or click here to fill out the request a quote form and have one of our knowledgeable agents reply to any insurance questions you may have.