Business Auto insurance provides valuable protection for your company-owned vehicles, as well as leased or rented vehicles and your employees’ vehicles used for business purposes. It covers you in case of injury to others or their property, or for damaging other vehicles.

Coverage can combine two basic elements: liability and collision/comprehensive options. Liability protects you in case someone claims that you—or someone driving your insured vehicles—are legally liable for either bodily injury or property damage. Collision and comprehensive cover physical damage to your vehicles. Additionally, you can obtain Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage to protect you if you are injured in an accident caused by negligent operation of an uninsured auto, by a hit-and-run motorist, or by someone with less liability coverage than you.

In addition to “standard” coverage, Business Auto provides these valuable extras:

  • Transportation expenses in the event your business-owned vehicle is stolen

  • Glass repair

  • Coverage for permanently installed sound and reproducing equipment, including radios, tape decks, CD players, and cellular phones

  • Broadened coverage to cover expenses such as returning an insured automobile that has been stolen and recovered